Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Whats wrong with my friend?

every year my 2 best buds go camping(my bestst bud and the 1 that comes in 2nd place) but i cant invite 1 of them because they said alot of bad stuff about my bestst friend and my bestst friend said her parents wont let her hang out with her. i cant tell her why because i swore on my life, god and all the people i love that i would not tell anyone so i told her, look you just cant go this year and now shes all mad(shes the jealous type) and then i took a myspace survey and only put my 2nd best friend in only 2 spots and the rest were filled up about my bestst friend and my best guy friend(i was telling the truth on the quiz) so long story short shes all mad at me so what do i do?

Whats wrong with my friend?

Well not a lot you can do.This is a very difficult situation.You can't break you're word and to do so would anger your bf and her parents.Sorry not anything you can do.The bf,parents would be the best way out of a sticky situation

Whats wrong with my friend?

Nothing. You knew she would be and you have not told her the truth.

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