Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Do you come across myspace pages that take forever to load?

Because they have so many images, surveys, polls, ect

Do you come across myspace pages that take forever to load?

If people who screw with the HTML on their page knew their butt from a hole in the ground about what it is they're doing, their page wouldn't load slower than molasses in January! Yeah - MySpace's servers have issues, but the fact that people who have not a clue what HTML is and are attempting to implement it does not help matters.

Do you come across myspace pages that take forever to load?

Yes, all the time!

This is because there server has long been overloaded.

Do you come across myspace pages that take forever to load?

yes.... sometimes, their servers are just ultra slow because my space is a HUGE company and millions of people are trying to access it at any given time. The best thing to do is just wait. If it still takes forever, close everything, then give it a few minutes (i know it's hard to be patient) and then try again after a little while.

Do you come across myspace pages that take forever to load?

yes, I don't go to their pages. I hatttteee when they have two things that make sound and start when you open the page so there is 2 songs playing over eachother or a song and a youtube video playing over eachother or something else completely annoying. uggggggghhhhhh. I hate it more than the fact that there are no fat avitars

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